Photography Mentorship + Coaching

Anyone can pick up a camera and start an instagram account.

being a professional photographer in this industry is so much more!


Crystalize Your Vision

Coaching and mentorship calls are intuitively guided and based on clarifying where you are, and where you want to go.

And if you don’t know, that’s where we start:

  • what is your creative vision? Style? Niche?

  • what are your strengths, your specialties?

  • what areas do you need education in?

  • portfolio and social media audit

  • building your business strategies

  • knowing your camera


How It Works:

  • 1:1 zoom calls are tailored to your needs and questions, scheduled after a 10-minute intake call, questionnaire, and deposit

  • In-person sessions in the Nevada City area are also available.

  • Extended mentorship is an option for those interested in a truly transformative experience

Single sessions begin at $200 per hour

Mentorship begins at $700 per month for weekly sessions

Photography: reflecting back the light


Next steps…