Palo Santo & White Sage Smudge Mists | The Ritual Routine

I’ve made a special new batch of Palo Santo & White Sage mists, with a special White Sage Leaf grown and harvested from Mount Shasta, California. Palo Santo and sage are traditionally burned to help clear people and places of negative energies, obstacles and blocks, cleaning space in order to invite in clarity, intention and peace.

Last year I ended up in a few AirBnb’s where there wasn’t so much as a candle or match allowed, and high fines threatened if any fires or smoke was used in the area. And I needed to clear my energy and couldn’t use my usualy smudge kit!

So, blending my love of essential oils with a water blessing, I designed the Palo Santo & White Sage energy clearing mists for situations where smudging with smoke and fire wasn’t safe or permitted, and for people who have smoke allergies. Mist this over your head to help clear your mind, body and spirit.

Bridging water, air, and earth

Lemurian Lightcode activation & water blessing

Passed on to me by a Priestess in Mount Shasta, blessing the water in these mists activates ancient Lemurian lightcodes, helping us remember our divinity and shift from dense carbon to crystalline energy structures.

Palo Santo

Also known as holy wood, this sacred fallen, seasoned tree wood from South America is in the same family as frankincense and copal. It is traditionally used to dispel negative energies, clear the air, and focus the mind and spirit for ritual. It also contains Limonene, a well-known terpene found in many medicinal plants, including cannabis, that is studied for its anti-inflammatory and mood-calming properties

White Sage

White Sage is a rare herb and ancient tool loved for its cleansing and purifying properties. Burning the dried leaves as a smudge was traditionally used by Native Americans, and only grows between Baja, Mexico and California. This batch comes from Mount Shasta in Northern California, an area known as a “vortex",” or a point where energy lines cross and mystical power is increased.

Meghan Smolka